Provides these services to immigrant victims of sexual assault:
Legal Services: Ayuda staff offer immigrant victims of domestic violence and sexual assault a full range of legal services including assistance in both family law and immigration matters. Ayuda attorneys assist clients with a wide variety of immigration issues as well as with Temporary and Civil Protection Orders, legal separation, divorce, child custody and visitation, and child support.
Additionally, Ayuda handles the modification, extension, and enforcement of all of the above orders and civil contempt for the violation of the above orders. Ayuda also handles criminal contempt for the criminal violation of Civil Protection Orders.
Social Services: Ayuda provides crisis intervention and comprehensive case management services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Ayuda social workers assist clients in securing emergency and transitional shelter, food, clothing, medical, and mental health care for themselves and their children by accessing the appropriate community resources.
While many of Ayuda’s domestic violence and sexual assault clients also receive legal assistance from Ayuda, you are not required to do so in order to receive social services.