Gallaudet University is committed to creating and maintaining a living and learning environment free from all forms of harassment, exploitation, intimidation, and/or violence, including sex discrimination, intimate partner abuse, stalking, and all forms of sexual misconduct.
Gallaudet encourages reporting of incidents and also attempts to eliminate pressure that might lead students to choose to not report a sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking incident or to minimize its seriousness by providing a process whereby the parties involved are treated with dignity; privacy and confidentiality are maintained to the fullest extent possible; allegations of sexual misconduct intimate partner abuse, and stalking are investigated promptly and thoroughly; and that students are provided with full support and assistance.
The student has the right to decline to notify police or campus authority of an incident allegedly in violation of this policy. Making the decision whether or not to report a sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking incident is the beginning of the process by which many students get back control over their lives.
Though the reporting can be difficult, it is often worth the effort. Students sometimes feel empowered by their attempt to bring the responsible party to justice. The decision whether or not to report has numerous economic, psychological, social, and emotional consequences. Students must make the decision which best allows them to continue a healthy and productive life.